Shinjo-kun debuts at the Happy Fish Festival of the Nomi Bay!
The Happy Fish Festival of the Nomi Bay
That day, Shinjo-kun made his debut as the official mascot of Susaki.

After his introduction by the Mayor

! At last, Shinjo-Kun’s debut !
(The mic is in the way!)
And the Yosakoi dance group Makkoto even came to cheer!
Everybody danced the Yosakoi!



Don-chan, the chirimen from Aki, and Naruko-kun, were also there!
Shinjo-kun and his senpai, setting the mood in Susaki!

Pictures, cards distribution
Shinjo-kun also took part in the sea bream fishing competition,
the grown-up part of the happy fish festival of the Nomi Bay!
Before doing that, he had to cross a super dangerous bridge!

One, Two, Three…!

He did it!

And with everyone’s encouragement

He tried the sea bream fishing!


Oh! A fish is biting!!!
Will Shinjo-kun be able to fish the sea bream?!
Shinjo-kun, pulling the fishing rod with all his strenght!
Will he make it?
Will he fail?
The suspense is growing!
That’s all for now!
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^YY^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^YY^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
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