[Shinjo-kun, Susaki’s crazy mascot] Let’s try the Jojo poses!
~ The plan to do anything to stand out “Shinjo-kun Susaki’s crazy mascot” is still on.
Today Saki-chan has a proposal ~
“Hey, hey, Shinjo-kun!”

Saki-chan: “if we do the poses from Jojo we can become famous!”

Shinjo-kun: “Huh? The poses from Jojo?”
Saki-chan: “Yes!”

Saki-chan: “Like… Like that”

Saki-chan: “Like that”

Saki-chan: “Or something like that ☆”
Shinjo-kun: “Mhh…

Don’t know ☆”


Saki-chan: “You don’t know Jojo?!
It’s a VERY FAMOUS manga!!
And there is a mascot
That became super popular
Imitating the poses from the manga!!!
Noooo are you serious???
You really don’t know Jojo?”
Shinjo-kun: “Nope, don’t know ☆”

Saki-chan: “Eeeeh… You.don’t.know…”

Shinjo-kun: “Aaaand…
If we do the Jojo poses
We can really become famous?
If I do that I can became REAL famous?”

Saki-chan: “SUPER famous!!
I swear! ☆
I’m gonna show you
Let’s try ☆”


Shinjo-kun: “If I say
That doing the Jojo poses
Is one of my favorites games,
And if someone tries to do the poses,
I can say “NO WAY!” and refuse! ☆”
~ So…
It was Shinjo-kun’s day,
That people that don’t know the famous manga “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure”
won’t understand. ~